Thursday, December 8, 2011

Exclusive Interview with Dave, the admin of Tripler 2

Hello Dave. First I'd like to thank you for doing this interview. I'm sure a lot of current members and those who are interested in becoming a member would like to know more about you and your plans for Tripler2, so let's get this started.

1. Would you please introduce yourself to my friends and readers and perhaps give us a little information about yourself?

Hi all, My name is David Bell, I come from the UK but have been living in Thailand for the past 18 months. I come from a humble background in an industrial area and moved to Oxford where I lived for 21 years before reaching for sunnier days. I sent my first email in 1995 and have been making money online ever since, from Ebay selling, to large scale imports and distribution of my own musical instrument and electrical generator brands.

I have studied business almost all my working life, and think I know what is what in most sectors (especially marketing and development strategies).

2. Have you ever been involved as an Admin in this type of program before? Can you tell us about that?

Nope, I have glanced in and out of the industry over the years, but never really became involved apart from a few Dollars here and there.

3. I understand you don't work alone so would you tell us about the team that works behind the scenes of Tripler2?

Originally it was myself (concept developer/manager) and Chris Kayne who was a partner/tech who no longer plays a part in T2 for personal reasons, but is slightly involved in the far background. There is also David Tung from Australia who has designed database systems for the likes of Toyota, Fujitsu and the Oz government ( the list is endless). He will become more involved later. Mark is a new addition to the team, a very talented programmer indeed, he will also be working on all future sites.

4. What plans are available to members in Tripler2? Please tell us how they work, what is the cost, the term, is there a minimum / maximum and how do we earn money?

Apart from the DP daily system and the DM matrix system, the rest are about 17 levels above 'top secret!'

One that is in the design stage with a third party company is very interactive, that's all I can say at the moment, but it will be an absolute 'first' for the industry.

5. I noticed there are two levels of membership available. What is the cost and what are the advantages of being upgraded in one or the other?

Level 2 which is coming in the future will enable extra benefits for an extra $5 per month. This will involve 'instant withdrawals' and extra services in the website family. Also a much more dynamic sponsoring experience via a special ref link that allows sponsors to promote every website and web-service we offer, and tracks back to the main program should we tempt any new member in through advertising any of our plans on the web-stock platforms.

6. What payment options are you accepting at this time? Do you plan to offer any others at a later date?

AP, STP and LR. We are also looking at OKPay to take over the credit card portion of the site. We are also looking at possibly having a T2 debit card for members to withdraw to and access their money via ATMs.

7. I couldn't help but notice the words "Infinity Plan" on the main page. What is your plan to make Tripler2 everlasting?

Multiple income streams from our web-stock that will also be promoted via our huge base of marketing entrepreneurs. Also strategic partnerships with third party investment specialists. We are already building assets, and when you have many assets that are increasing in value, then you have insurance.

8. Do you have any sort of "re-start" plan as a backup? How will that work if it's needed?

Yes indeed, and it will almost certainly be used at some level. We have different types of recovery mechanisms in place with their own trigger points set to have a minimal disruptive impact on business (yours and ours). We believe in being 'proactive' rather than 'reactive'. you can read these in detail by going to the faq page and there are links at the bottom of those pages.

9. How secure is the website of Tripler2? What are you doing to protect it and members accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server, who's your host, what about anti-DDoS protection?

We are very security conscious. Yes, we are on a dedicated server. The website has been coded up using a unique style of php based programming. It is very unconventional and is very very secure indeed. We will never use 'off-the-shelf' scripts, any potential hacker can study the code and find the places to exploit. We do not need DDoS, we have something a lot better than the standard DDoS protection, but I can't reveal it here, that would be like sticking a diagram of a bank vault on the front door of the bank.

10. Are there statistics available on the site? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Do you have plans to close to new members once you reach a certain level? How will that be done?

At time of writing we have 6,920 members. We are capping membership at 10,000, then we will start to weed out the 'inactive' members and allow fresh entry to others in a 'one out, one in' system. Around 35 to 40% are actual active at the moment. We will continue to replace 'inactive' with 'active' members until we have 10,000 fully active.

11. Have you yourself been promoting the program? If so, what advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

It was my intention to advertise using existing funds. However, I have had a change of heart, because I really want this to be for the benefit of the active membership. I do personally have a referral link, and I have it in my T2 Forum signature, but nowhere else. I have picked up a few referrals, but the commissions are fed into the system cash.

12. Are you pleased with the support from Tripler2 members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

I am very impressed with the T2 members, they are full of enthusiasm for the program. I really like that so many have adopted the concept as a 'way of life'. There are a good few members who have excelled in their promoting efforts. I believe that there are a few who view the program as representing a high percentage of their business.

13. If a member has questions or support related issues, how can they contact you?

They can use the 'support' link on their Member Area Dashboard, or click on the 'Contact Us' link on the front end header.

14. What has been the most common questions or problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you'd like to share here today, so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

Yes actually, PLEASE USE GMAIL. Also, try not to change your email address. Settle on your registration details before signing up and try to stick to them. We get a lot of issues relation to those details.

15. Anybody who's been online for awhile in this business knows about "Black December". That dreaded time of year when folks are hesitant to spend money and/or many programs close down. What do you think about that and have you noticed any effect of it on Tripler2?

I have had a conversation on this in the MMG Forum in the past. I always thought it was over-rated, and if you look at the amount of program thread closures, and count each month going back a few years, you will see that October, August and May are notoriously bleak. To be honest, I have seen no evidence whatsoever to support the 'Black December' theory. As far as T2 figures are concerned, I see DP sales at a steady pace. I expect withdrawals to be up over the next 10 days, but at the moment we have 5 times more coming in than going out.

16. In wrapping up, is there anything else you would like to comment on? I've tried to cover the basics but perhaps there is something more that you would like to share with my readers.

If I may take this opportunity to reinforce my primary intentions with creating this concept. For too long now, people have been losing money to flimsy plans and scam admins. At one or two points, there was nothing really much on offer in this game, apart from self-imploding programs. I wanted to prove to myself and everyone else, that it need not be like that. With just a bit of motivation and self application, programs can be made very sustainable. It only takes a little thought process and add in a bit of evolution, and this industry can be transformed in a year to something that will attract the masses.

I truly believe that I have found it (if not, then it's darn close).

Thank you Judy, for the opportunity to air my views and explain a bit about the T2 program.

I wish you and all your readers a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2012.

T2 Admin.